Visible Changes
Visible Changes East
121 N Division Ave Ste C
Polo, IL 61064
In 1977, Visible Changes began a revolution in the hairdressing industry with a company that delivered high quality services from well-trained stylists. Today, Visible Changes has salons located in major malls in Houston as well as Austin, San Antonio and the Dallas area. The creative work of Visible Changes has been featured in Passion, Styles and Stylists magazines, and our styles are featured in fashion publications around the world. Our salons feature touch screen computers, on line booking and wireless Internet access for your convenience.
Visible Changes was recognized in 1982 by Intercoiffure, an organization that extends its membership to only the finest hair designers in the World. Our company was listed twice as one of INC Magazines’ fastest growing companies, and in 2006, Visible Changes won Salon Entrepreneur of the Year at the Global Salon Business Awards in Barcelona, Spain.
Copyright © 2009 Visible Changes Inc. All Rights Reserved.
