Teddie Kossof Salon Spa
teddie kossof salon spa
281 Waukegan Rd • Northfield,
IL 60093
(847) 446-9526
experience radically healthy hair
modelYou want healthy hair with a beautiful sheen, but at times that goal seems hard to achieve. The vagaries of the weather seem to give hair a mind of it's own, one that changes it's mood regularly. Age brings other changes that are beyond your control.
Activities such as swimming and sunbathing take their toll too. Even the haircare products and techniques you use have their impact. Face it, keeping your hair healthy – truly vibrant and healthy – is a challenge.
Is there help for your hair?
Fortunately, hair science is here to help, and it is practiced at Teddie Kossof Salon, where state-of-the-art treatments and innovative products are available to assist you with a variety of conditions.
Under the epidermis, at the root, hair is vibrantly alive. Our healthy scalp treatments ensure that the scalp is healthy so new hair growth is healthy too.
Shafts of hair are created by complex chemical and biological reactions. Keratin – the essential component of hair – is a protein formed by the combination of 18 amino acids. Melanin is responsible for the natural color of hair. Damaged hair can be remoisturized, rejuvenated and treated to serious hair repair.
The typical head has between 120,000 and 150,000 hairs. However, many people experience hair loss due to aging or health conditions. The progressive loss of hair is called alopecia. Hair science can reverse alopecia and help you regrow hair.
The hair experts at Teddie Kossof Salon invite you to try the finest hair science treatments available today.
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