Shear Perfection
Shear Perfection
201 N Kickapoo St
Lincoln,IL 62656
What We Do For You
Do you know how important a great hairstyle is to your business and social life?
What we do is help you determine the style that's right for you, then we pamper you with a first-class salon experience that will make you look and feel terrific -- with a style that's guaranteed for three weeks or we'll fix it free.
Upload Your Head
Too bad you can't just upload your head and have us do your haircut, hair color, perm, hair extensions, etc., and then -- after some pleasant conversation -- have it downloaded back to you. Actually, twenty-first century technology being what it is, you still have to call and then come in for your appointment.But before you do that, here's the next best thing -- a virtual visit to the Shear Perfection Salon.
"Hooray for Hollywood..."
Here in Lala Land, people get brainwashed to believe that looks are everything. Who cares what your spiritual values are if you're fat, or have a long nose, or look old. In today's competitive job market, where downsizing occurs daily, if you're a young, upwardly mobile, corporate/professional type, you need every edge you can get to avoid hitting the "glass ceiling" too soon. How you look can give you one.If you're a baby boomer, you have to compete with these young sharks to avoid becoming a "downsizee," just at the time when you need to get serious about planning for your retirement. Everybody is nervous about money. It's expensive to live out here, and life in the fast lane can be a harassing experience. The last thing anybody needs is a bad hair day. When you look in the mirror and see what everyone agrees is a loser, everything that follows is a potential disaster.
But don't worry. We have a plan to handle that.
"I fix $8 haircuts"
Unlike many "here today, gone tomorrow" stylists, we've been at the same location for more than 19 years. We keep detailed records of what we do for you during each visit.
This means your stylist can tailor your look based on your hair growth pattern, your frequency of visits and your style preference. And we take the time to listen to what you want and counsel with you on what styles would give you the best possible appearance.
All our stylists were trained at accredited California academies, where they successfully completed 1600 hours of basic training in hygiene, hair cutting, hair color, perms and relaxers, skin care, make-up and nail care.
Then they each passed the grueling six-hour California State Board Examination, one of the most rigorous in the country.
This means that even though we're qualified to work anywhere in the State of California, we're here because we choose to be. So you get a happy stylist. You can have a pleasant, intelligent conversation --if you like -- while you leave your appearance in the hands of a highly-skilled professional, rather than trust it to a "30-day wonder" you might find elsewhere.
All our stylists periodically attend fashion and style classes and shows to make sure they're up to date on the latest techniques and trends and to develop expertise in areas of special interest. This means you can maintain a cutting edge appearance that will help you reach your social and career goals.
Our Clients Agree
They tell us things like:
"I always feel so much lighter after I've been here," and
"I was so tense when I came in, and I'm so relaxed now," and
"I could just go to sleep right in this chair," and
"You really listened and duplicated exactly what I want," and
"Before I started coming to you, I didn't like my hair; now I do."
For Follicly Challenged" Men Only
We see lots of "follicly challenged" guys here, and we don't think it's really fair to have them pay the same price for a haircut as someone with much more hair would. After all, it does take less time, shampoo, conditioner, and everything. If you're a "follicly challenged" guy, you want to look your best, just like everyone else. We think we'd see you more often if we gave you a special deal. So now we have a special "Executive Plan" just for you. Please call for details: (323) 662-9735
(We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Cash too.)
Tell a "follicly challenged" friend and get a free gift when they come in.
Copyright © 1998-2009 Lynn Fountain Campbell. All rights reserved.
